My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine
My Bloody Valentine
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Though initially formed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1983, the alternative rock band My Bloody Valentine wouldn't gain prominence in the music community until it released its seminal album, Loveless, in 1991. Originally influenced by various post-punk sounds and Gothic rock styles, the group would evolve its sonic aesthetic as the years rolled on and various music genres waxed and waned in the public's pop music conscious. After holing up in the studio, tying an assortment of intellectual musical ideas together, recording what has been called its magnum opus, the My Bloody Valentine released the album Loveless. The LP features a kaleidoscopic tapestry of sound, noise, hauntingly androgynous vocals and rhythmic syncopation that all manage to beautifully compliment one another. It was met with nearly universal acclaim--yet it failed to sell. After being dropped by its label Creation Records shortly after the release of Loveless--due to the album's £250,000 production costs bankrupting the label, a claim which lead songwriter Kevin Shield disputes--the band was quickly snatched up and signed by Island Records in 1992. After using the advance from the signing to construct a home studio in Streatham, South London, several technical problems plagued recordings and sent the band into "semi-meltdown," according to Shields, who was reportedly suffering from writers block. During this time, the band remained largely inactive and in 1997, after two of the group's members left, My Bloody Valentine broke up. As members of the band went on to start other musical endeavors or launch solo careers, time wore on and the legacy of the group grew--especially that of the album that helped define the shoegaze genre, Loveless. In 2007, the band reemerged and played a number of high profile gigs around the world and in 2013, after a long lull in studio offerings, My Bloody Valentine released m b v. Heralded as a mighty return for the group, the album features the band in true form, creating densely melodic guitar, bass and drum instrumentals that all meet at a unifying sonic level to spawn a unique sound that is unmistakably true to the group.
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